POS System
Point of sale system terminal, configuration, and troubleshooting.
Point of sale system terminal, configuration, and troubleshooting.
Custom webdesign to represent the advantage of your business online.
Successful strategies to block evolving risks to your business operations.
Locate customers that can benefit most from your products and services.
Manage your business incoming and outgoing expenses.
Solutions to track how many of your prouducts are available.
Support all of your employee needs in the most effienct ways possible.
Design practical solutions to meet the evolving needs of your unique business model.
Coordinate moving neccessities from one location to another.
Performing historically human tasks through software.
Strategies to use always available software or hardware not located in any single location.
Lets see what we can create together.
At Centarcher we work with our clients to collaborate and create something that will solve their business needs. Not all of our clients have a rich background in technology. So we take pride in meeting our clients where they are to solve their various needs. We want to hear about all of your pain points and utilize our expertise together with your business knowledge to create market changing solutions.
“My business keeps me pretty busy. The peace of mind I receive from the 24hr support allows me to focus on
my day to day operations. We really like the pos terminals as well."
Phillip Matthews
Holy Rollie Pastry Shop LLC
“Our Centarcher portal access allows me to view my custom report data. Before our data was spread out
accross different systems. We were able to customize the data we want and consolidate our data
management tools into one."
Gradie Moore, MD
The Womens Clinic
“I operate my business in the DFW metroplex with a focus on quality installations and custom tailored sales. When we
teamed up with Centarcher we were able to get a better handle on our inventory and logistics. All that data is centralized in
my dashboard view."
Tavaris Crosby
My AV Guy